[morepuzzles type=”crossword” key=”pT6fHjkUXTaicJirvOmtnNgaanus9-eGkTxLLjl_ttyw” ratio=”0.9347826086956522″]


1. Where is the longest fibre optic cable laid?

2. On Twitter, what is this sign “#” called?

3. What device do you connect to within your house to receive internet?

4. What Blog did Telitec produce on 28th August 2020?

5. What is the first option on the drop down menu in the client Zone on Telitec´s website?

6. What is the name given to the temporary alteration of the logo on google pages that commemorate holidays, people and events etc.?

7. A device that keeps you talking when out and about?

8. What was the first game to come as a standard pre-install on a mobile phone?

9. What 2 words made up the first text message sent in 3rd December 1992?

10. Switzerland’s domain is often used for this type of website?

11. What product did Amazon first start out selling?

12. In 2004 what social media platform was launched?