What is geocaching and will I enjoy it? Here at Telitec, we will give you the what and you can see if you will enjoy it!
Everyone loves a treasure hunt. Whether it was hunting for Easter eggs as a child, solving the clues in Max Valentin’s treasure hunting book On The Trail Of The Golden Owl or diving for pearls on your holidays, it’s exciting to find hidden treasures.
That explains why geocaching has become such a huge hit.

What is geocaching?
Geocaching is a treasure hunt on a global scale where people look for caches or hidden hoards of objects.
Participants use their navigation skills to find the hidden geocaches. Using global positioning system (GPS) devices, treasure seekers look for hidden caches. All you need to do is register online and use the longitude and latitude coordinates provided to find cache items such as foreign currency, ornaments, trinkets or books. They are all low value as the thrill is definitely in the chase when it comes to geocaching.

Usually the hunt involves a good walk, so it’s a great way for all the family to explore the great outdoors while testing their navigation skills and ability to work out clues.
There are several organisations for geocaching, the largest of which is geocaching.com. According to geocaching.com, there are millions of caches hidden around the world, including 548 geocaches in and around Dénia. That should keep you entertained for a long while yet.
It’s easy to join geocaching.com. Just create an account online or use the geocaching app. Find a geocache. Once you’ve found it, sign and date the logbook – so don’t forget to bring a pen! Then place the geocache exactly where you found it and log your experience online.
Come and talk to us at Telitec about a smartphone – PAYG or contract – to download your GPS-enabled apps and geocaching apps to start your first adventure.