Start Saving with Telitec Mobiles, simply follow the following steps and start saving your money. It´s as easy as 1,2,3.
Step 1 – Contact Telitec
Speak with one of Telitec Sales Team who can help and advise you on which one of our many packages suits you and your requirements the best. From Basic Pay As You Go to full packages with calls, both here in Spain and/or International and data of up to 80GB per month.
Would you buy a steak and throw half of it away? Why pay for calls and data you do not use?

Starting from 4.90€
National Talk & Surf Monthly Packages:
- Unlimited* minutes + 5GB – 6.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 12GB – 10.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 23GB – 14.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 30GB – 19.90€ incl. IVA
International Talk & Surf Monthly Packages:
- 100 minutes + 1GB – 4.90€ incl. IVA
- 250 minutes + 3GB – 9.90€ incl. IVA
- 500 minutes + 6GB – 14.90€ incl. IVA
- 1000 minutes + 12GB – 19.90€ incl. IVA
Telitec Mobiles can also provide a Share Package
With 3 different numbers, choose one package and share the calls and Data. This is great for both Families and Small Businesses.
The biggest package at 44.90€ incl. iva works out at only 14.97€ per mobile. What are you spending now?
- Unlimited* Minutes + 24GB – 19.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 36GB – 24.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 48GB – 29.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 60GB – 34.90€ incl. IVA
- Unlimited* minutes + 80GB – 44.90€ incl. IVA
Step 2 – Provide Details
With just a few details, Telitec take care of the rest.
We can provide new Spanish numbers or keep your exisiting number.
Information Required:
- Name & date of birth
- NIE or Passport
- Delivery address & contact details
- SIM card number(s)
- Current provider details
- Payment details
Keep your Number Live and Active, even when not in use
Only need a simply PAYG sim, no problem. We can arrange this for you with a small annual payment of 5€ for the first year, then 3€ for every year after, you can keep your number live and active so no need to topping up every 3 months and building up credit. Plus take the Auto Top so that when your credit drops below 3€ it will top up with 10€ making sure you always have credit, no build up of credt (maximum 13€) and no setting reminders to top up. Simply use your mobile as and when you need to and we will take care of the rest.
Best Seller
One of our best selling packages gives you Unlimited National + 600 Minutes International + 9GB – 11.90€ incl. IVA
Step 3 – So what ARE you waiting for?
Start Saving with Telitec Mobiles, simply follow the above steps and start saving your money. It really is that easy.
To find the best internet in Spain and to find out how much internet is in Spain, then contact Telitec SL on 965 743 473 or by email or on Whatsapp |