Get ready for some great offers with Amazon Prime Day. Not a Prime Cusomter? Join for 30 days Free! Starts midnight on the 13th October until 14th October.
Every year this is a much awaited event for many. With exclusive offers and Epic Deals for 2 full days.
If you are looking for the latest gadget, Smart TV or even a new coat for the winter months, then this is a good place to start looking.
Normally Amazon Prime Day is held in July but this year has been delayed and takes place in October.
Some of the offers can be viewed now but Amazon announce more and more offers over the next few weeks, leading up to the 13th October 2020.
You need to keep checking as some can be on limited offer and can sell out before, so if you have something in mind, keep checking.
For me, this is a great way of getting some deals for my Christmas Shopping, yes, I know for some this maybe early but I love a great deal and if a saving can be had, I want it!

This is definately the time you want to make sure you have the best internet connection and do not miss a great deal if sat waiting for your internet to keep up!
Click the link below for Telitec SL and see if we can help!
From this week, Amazom have already started offering some great deals on Amazon´s own brands, such as 3 months Free on Amazon Kindle or take advantage of 4 months at only 99 cents for Unlimited Music with Amazon. Plus Prime user´s can get up to 50% discount on Prime Video´s.
You get even More!
If you spend more than 10.00€ between now and the 13th October 2020, from small and medium-sized businesses, as well as selected national brands in the Amazon store, you will receive 10.00€ of Promotional Credit to use on Prime Day.
Finally, if you do not want to stay a Prime Customer and receive offer and deals thoughout the year, you can cancel within the 30 Days Free Trial.
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