Important requirement for On-Line Security is your Password. The challenge is creating one that you can remember & provide the best security.
Passwords have been around for many centries, just think of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, this dates back to the 18th century. “Open, Sesame!”
A password today does not move pysical bolders or unblocked entrances but our laptops, mobiles and other devices.

Developers have now provided us with more security such as fingerprint or facial recognision. However, you still need a password for many apps and activities we do over the internet.
Password Tips
1. Do not use the same password, security question and answer for multiple accounts.
2. Use at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one special symbol.
3. Do not use postcodes, house numbers, phone numbers, birthdates, ID card numbers, social security numbers, and so on in your passwords.
4. Change your passwords, normally recommended is every 10 – 12 weeks. However, you can keep your password longer as long as you do not suspect that it could possible have been hacked.
5. Use at least 2 differnet phone numbers, do NOT tell others the phone number which you use to receive text messages of the verification codes.
6. Do not tell your passwords to anybody in the email.
Managing your Passwords
Google can manage your passwords, saving your passwords once you have logged in but you can also download an app that does this for you also.
These will help you manage your passwords and provide a check up, making sure your security is good.
Write them down, yes really! Not on a word document or similar, but on physical paper. Keep in a secure place as you are less likely to have a break in, than be hacked. Plus, don´t tell anyone where they are!
Stuck for a Password?
Click here for a Password Generator
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